
Chi siamo

ISM-Italia è il gruppo di supporto italiano dell‘International Solidarity Movement (ISM) palestinese.

Jamil Hilal


Questo articolo di Jamil Hilal è apparso nel numero 11 del novembre 2000

de la rivista del manifesto.

Un articolo assai lucido di 10 anni fa.


Cenni biografici

Born in Bethlehem in 1940; received a BA in Sociology and Philosophy from the University of Hull, UK, in 1963, and an M.Lit. in Sociology and Anthropology from the University of Durham, UK, in 1969;

Worked from 1966-69 also as a Research Fellow in Sociology of the Middle East at the Dept. of Social Theory and Institutions; lecturer in Sociology, Dept. of Social Theory and Institutions, Durham University, from 1969-71; then lecturer at the Center of Urban Studies, University College, London, from 1971-72; became Senior Research Fellow at the Palestine Research Center in Beirut from 1972-74;

Was an active DFLP member from 1973-1991, incl. being appointed as head of its Information Center in 1975, as member of its Central Committee in 1978, and to the Secretariat of the Central Committee in 1980; was on the Editorial Board of the Arabic weekly Al-Huriyya (Freedom) from 1973-87; member of the Secretariat of the General Union of Palestinian Writers and Journalists since 1974; spent the academic year of 1974-75 as Sociology lecturer at the University of Dar As-Salam, Tanzania;

PNC member (independent) since 1983; served as Middle East Regional Secretary for the International Journalists Organization from 1983-88); was assigned Director of the PLO Dept. of Information from 1988-93); also worked as editor-in-chief of the Arabic theoretical quarterly Democratic Thought (published in Nicosia) from 1988-91;

Was elected member of the FIDA (the Palestinian Democratic Union) politburo until June 1993; Senior Associate Fellow, St. Antony’s College, Oxford University, from 1993-94); member of the academic Middle East Group in the UK since 1993;

Settled back in Palestine in July 1995 and became Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Palestine Research and Studies (CPRS), Nablus, as well as at Muwatin (non-resident); co-founder of the Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS) in Ramallah and Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the Institute since 1996;

Also worked as a Consultant to the PA Ministry of Labor, Ramallah, during 1996-97; co-editor of the Palestinian Policy Journal, published by  CPRS in Nablus, from 1996-2000; Steering Committee member of the Social and Economic Policy Research Forum at MAS from 1996-2000; member of the Technical Advisory Committee to the Palestine Human Development Report since 1997; member of the Technical Advisory Committee and the Research Committee to the Palestinian National Team to Combat Poverty in Palestine from 1997-2000; Senior Research Fellow and Consultant at the Development Studies Program, Birzeit University, and member of its Technical Consultative Committee since 1997; Senior Researcher at Birzeit University’s Center of Women Studies since 1998 and the Institute of Law since 2001;

Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Palestine Studies since 2001 and of the Palestinian Studies Quarterly since June 2002; among his many publications are: The Palestinian Political System after Oslo; A Critical Assessment (Muwatin, Ramallah, and IPS, Beirut, 1998); The Formation of the Palestinian Elite: From the Palestinian National Movement to the Rise of the Palestinian Authority (Muwatin, 2002), and The Palestinian Middle Class (Muwatin, Ramallah, and IPS, Beirut, 2005).