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ISM-Italia è il gruppo di supporto italiano dell‘International Solidarity Movement (ISM) palestinese.

Sul Male e sulla Banalità del Male: un dibattito su Haaretz luglio-agosto 2016

È  un tema sul quale esiste una letteratura molto vasta.

Ma è interessante che il dibattito sia stato  ripreso sulle colonne di Haaretz dalla filosofa israeliana Eva Illouz, con collegamenti al settler-colonialism.

Chi fosse disponibile a tradurre in italiano questi articoli scriva a

Haaretz20160728 What sort of society feels absolutely nothing after killing hundreds of children? By Gideon Levy

Haaretz20160728 What sort of society feels absolutely nothing after killing hundreds of children By Gideon Levy

Haaretz20160730 Rethinking the ‘banality of evil’ theory By Eva Illouz (in ebraico, pubblicato in inglese il 5 agosto 2016)

Haaretz20160805 Rethinking the ‘banality of evil’ theory By Eva Illouz

Haaretz2060731 Stop living in denial, Israel is an evil state By Gideon Levy

Haaretz2060731 Stop living in denial Israel is an evil state By Gideon Levy

Haaretz20160813 Israel isn’t fascist, but it still needs the world to save it from itself By Shlomo Sand

Haaretz20160813 Israel isn’t fascist, but it still needs the world to save it from itself By Shlomo Sand

Haaretz20160821 The Banality of Evil revisited: To each society its own evils By Daniel Blatman

Haaretz20160821 The Banality of Evil revisited To each society its own evils By Daniel Blatman

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